A blog about learning go and learning computer go. A go beginner tries to improve his game and use their software engineering skills to build a computer go player. Entries about their go reading, computer go reading, go playing, go improvement, go concepts (seki, ko, miai, etc) and progress building the computer go player.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Japanese Rules of Go

I've been giving some thought recently to what a finite state machine for the Japanese rules of go would look like. The more I think about it, the more complex encoding the full rules will be.

Which isn't to say that trying to build an FSM is necessarily a bad thing...


Anonymous said...

Which Japanes rules You are trying to implement?

a k player said...

I working from the rules at:


Anonymous said...

Tak a look at Robert Jasiek page.
You probably should try to implement som logical rules without flaws, maybe

Anonymous said...

But why finite state machine?
Any algorithm using finite memory is equivalent to FSM.

Anonymous said...

But why finite state machine?
Any algorithm using finite memory is equivalent to FSM.

a k player said...

I'm using a finite state machine because it is the easiest form in which to check that I've got valid outputs for all possible inputs. The table-form of a finite state machine is very usful for this.

The graph-form is also makes it very easy to check the reachability of states and similar.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

good blog dude

Anonymous said...

the japanese rules of go can be coded into a fsm, I think it was already done at stanford u though... SpiruDye Cheer